IASAS Drama 2019:


SYNOPSIS: AD 61, Britannia, on the furthest reaches of the Roman Empire - at the very edge of the known world- rebellion is brewing. The King of the Iceni has died and his widow, Boudica, has tried to claim her rightful thrown. For her insolence in defying Rome, the Roman Procurator Catus orders Boudica and her daughters to be abused and then banished from their lands. But Queen Boudica soon returns, and brings with her an army made up of old allies in the form of King Cunobeline's army and old enemies in the the form of King Badvoc's blood thirsty men. She prays to the Goddess of War, the great and powerful Andraste, for a victory, but vengeance comes at a high price for the Everyman, the foot solders and towns people, on both sides of the war.

PLAY ORIGINS: Boudica was written by Tristan Bernays and premiered at Shakespeare's Globe, London, in September 2017. ISM will be performing excerpts from this full length play to fit with the IASAS time format. (ISM has obtained the rights to do this from play publisher Nick Hern Books.)

Marsha Hillman, Director

PERFORMANCE: The cast previewed the play on Feb 20th at 5pm and Feb 23rd at 3pm in the ISM Fine Arts Theatre. They then performed at IASAS ADDTF in Bangkok on Saturday, March 2nd at 10am.

Sofia C. as Boudica

Alexis L. as Alonna

Rocio T. as Blodwynn

Aparajita P. as Andraste

Alex P. as Catus

Manuel E. as Everyman

John C. as Cunobeline

Rahul V. as Badvoc

Boudica Cast

Ario B. as Understudy

Stefania N. as Understudy

Alonna, Boudica & Blodwynn

Boudica Cast

Boudica Cast with Crew: Rhia M. (Sound), Fabian G. (Lighting), Denis L. (Set and Props), Bonsai & Fran (Costumes), Marsha H. (Director)

ISM IASAS Drama 2019- Boudica