Debate & Forensics @ISM

Debate & Forensics is a popular HS activity at ISM, with the club advertising for new member at the annual HS Club Fair in August. Throughout the first few months of the school year, club members run meetings where they help introduce the various speaking styles and work on skills development. Students then try out for spots on the various IASAS teams. At this point, teacher advisors will select a group to develop up until January when the Final IASAS teams are selected to prepare for the March IASAS Cultural Convention.

In addition to IASAS, ISM Debate involves itself in other local and online debates where possible, including the Philippine Schools Debate Championship. During the April 2021 competition, the ISM team of David B(G12) and Zen V(G10) made it to the Finals, with David eventually winning 2nd best speaker and Zen winning 6th best speaker in a competition that featured 208 students.

It was ISM's turn to host IASAS Debate and Forensics in March 2021. CLICK THE POSTER TO THE RIGHT to be taken to the dedicated website, which contains videos of all the finalists in each events.

Here are the 2022-23 teacher advisors to contact if your would like more details about any of the speaking activities:

  • Debate: Dino Rosenzweig and Cindi Hogwood

  • Extemporaneous Speaking: Preston Spradling

  • Original Oratory: Andrea Thompson

  • Oral Interpretation: Wendy DeBettencourt

  • Impromptu Speaking: Wendy DeBettencourt